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Bellevue, WA Safe Parking Pilot provides reliable services for residents living in vehicles

Bellevue, WA Safe Parking Pilot Residents Living in Vehicles

En curso

Bellevue approved a two-year pilot for safe parking at a city-owned lot on 116th Avenue NE. The city's Request for Proposal seeks an operator that can safely manage up to 20 vehicles at a time. A site safety plan and collaboration with private safe parking efforts create a welcoming environment for residents living in vehicles. The selected operator will work with public and private service providers on overcoming resident obstacles to permanent housing.


Bellevue, WA

Municipality in Washington

US flag

United States


Safe Parking Pilot | City of Bellevue

As part of its efforts to address homelessness, the city is launching a safe parking pilot program for residents living in their vehicles in Bellevue. The program will be at 515 116th Ave. NE, known as the Lincoln Center, a city-owned property that has been used as an interim men's shelter by Congregations for the Homeless. The program will provide a clean, safe, off-street parking area with nearby access to bathrooms, water and showers, as well as case management and related services to support residents, with the primary goal of helping vehicle residents find stable housing.

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