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Portland, OR and Trash for Peace employ unhoused residents for environmental service pilots

Portland, OR Trash for Peace Unhoused Environmental Service

En curso

The Ground Score Leading Inclusively Together Through Environmental Recovery (GLITTER) program provides litter collection within encampments. This partnership also seeks reductions in littering and damage to public assets through an outreach pilot. Trained outreach workers speak with members of unhoused communities about waste management concerns before co-designing solutions. Starting pay for pilot workers is $20 per hour with higher pay available for outreach coordinators.


Portland, OR

Municipality in Oregon

US flag

United States


Oregon Relay Service

Pilot programs pay people with lived experience to clean trash and educate peers about public works projects.


Más de Portland

Portland, OR seeks downtown tailpipe emission reductions with Zero-Emission Delivery Zone pilot
Portland, OR Heat Response Program installs air-conditioning units in low-income households

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