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Randwick, NSW develops circular economy for local plastic waste through partnership with Plasmar

Randwick, NSW Plasmar Circular Economy Local Plastic Waste

En curso

Randwick sought a soft plastic recycling alternative when the national REDcycle program ceased operations. Local residents can drop off plastic bags, films, and wraps at the Randwick Recycling Centre. Gathered materials are sent to Plasmar's facility for conversion into plastic pellets for new products including bollards and fence posts. City officials are piloting purchases of Plasmar products built from local recyclables, thus demonstrating the positive impacts of community participation.


Randwick, NSW

City in New South Wales

AU flag




Councils take up soft plastics slack following REDcycle collapse - Government News

Randwick Council in Sydney and Moonee Valley Council in Melbourne are the latest Australian councils to to take action on soft plastic waste.


Randwick Council launches new soft plastics recycling service - Randwick City Council

Randwick City residents can once again recycle soft plastics with Randwick Council entering into a new partnership with a local recycler, Mayor Dylan Parker announced today.</p>

Más de Randwick

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