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Bonita Springs, FL protects the Imperial River from algae blooms with Felts Avenue Bioreactor

Bonita Springs, FL Felts Avenue Bioreactor Algae Blooms


The downtown bioreactor gathers stormwater from surrounding areas for filtration. Underground channels filled with wood chips and pea gravel naturally remove nitrogen from water as it enters the Imperial River. City officials built a large parking lot on top of the bioreactor for multiple uses of valuable real estate. Initial testing of the Felts Avenue Bioreactor found up to 98% of nitrates were removed from filtered water.


Bonita Springs, FL

Municipality in Florida

US flag

United States

Pièces jointes

2020 Environmental Stewardship Award profile


Projet réussi

Bonita Springs won the 2020 Environmental Stewardship Award from the Florida League of Cities. The city received a state grant to expand the bioreactor after its successful rollout.

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