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Grand Rapids, MI turns parks into connectivity islands with Network in a Box pilot

Grand Rapids, MI Parks Network in a Box Pilot

En cours

Wi-Fi hotspots were installed at 10 Grand Rapids parks to deal with digital access issues exposed by COVID-19. The primary criteria for park selection were daily use and structures ideal for hotspot installation. Each hotspot works over a 900-foot range with the capacity to serve 50 devices at once. The Network in a Box pilot is funded by the CARES Act through December 2021 with city officials evaluating Wi-Fi use for potential use in 2022.


Grand Rapids, MI

Municipality in Michigan

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Gouvernements impliqués


Kent County, MI

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Free public Wi-Fi now available at 10 Grand Rapids parks

Ten Grand Rapids parks now have free public Wi-Fi access thanks to a pilot program supported by CARES Act funding. The Network in a Box (NIB) program aims to bridge the digital divide in Grand Rapids that widened during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing year-round outdoor internet access.


City of Grand Rapids offers free public WiFi at 10 local parks

Ten Grand Rapids parks now have free public WiFi access thanks to a pilot program supported by CARES Act funding.

Plus de Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids, MI Parks and Recreation Department's gear library provides access to outdoor equipment
Grand Rapids, MI launched a social media photo challenge to improve the local park system

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