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San Antonio, TX is expanding a one-acre wetland pilot project to filter lake sewage across 100 acres

San Antonio, TX wetland pilot project lake sewage filter

En cours

The city of San Antonio launched a one-acre wetland pilot project to filter sewage stored in Mitchell Lake. The test wetland allowed the city to experiment with how much water the wetlands could effectively treat before becoming oversaturated: between 2 to 7 million gallons per day. After 18 months of success, the city is proposing the pilot project be scaled up to cover 100 acres.


San Antonio, TX

Municipality in Texas

US flag

United States

Digne d'intérêt


SAWS deems Mitchell Lake wetlands pilot a success

SAWS staff have deemed a pilot wetlands project successful and are readying to implement the strategy across Mitchell Lake's southern banks.


Coastal News Today | TX - ‘A green solution to a green problem’: Manmade wetlands get green light at Mitchell Lake

When Gregg Eckhardt pitched the idea of cleaning up the banks of Mitchell Lake with manmade wetlands more than two-and-a-half decades ago, he wasn’t sure he’d ever see the project actually take off.

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