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Dorset Council, GB fills gap in temporary supported housing with Building Better Lives Programme

Dorset Council, GB Building Better Lives Programme


Eighteen one-bedroom apartments form the Red Oak Court development in Wareham. Modular units provide short-term housing with on-site services for residents recently discharged from extended hospital stays or lacking safe accommodations. Council staffers work with residents to find permanent housing, allowing new tenants to cycle into Red Oak Court. Apartment interiors can be customized for resident needs and individual units can be moved to other areas of Dorset as needed.


Dorset Council, GB

Unitary authority in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Building better lives - Relocatable Housing - Dorset Council

Brand new, modern, modular and temporary homes for adults with health and social care needs in the Purbeck area.

Mer från Dorset Council

Dorset Council, GB improves home care service efficiency with an interactive GIS mapping pilot

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