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London Borough of Haringey, GB uses modular approach to housing the homeless with Olive Morris Court

London Borough of Haringey, GB Olive Morris Court Modular


Borough officials and The Hill Group used volumetric construction to deliver 32 SoloHaus units on a former industrial site. Each one-person unit was built and furnished in a factory with all units installed at Olive Morris Court in a single day. Long-term unhoused residents receive on-site and in-home support from the council's Homeless Health Inclusion Team. SoloHaus homes feature kitchenettes, bathrooms, washing machines, and Secured by Design-compliant doorways.


London Borough of Haringey, GB

London borough in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Olive Morris Court by Haringey Council and The Hill Group - Gold Winner - GOV Design Awards 2023

Olive Morris Court (OMC) is an innovative 32 modular “SoloHaus” homes and support initiative by Haringey Council and The Hill Group designed to help r

Mer från London Borough of Haringey

London Borough of Haringey, GB collaborated with Camden and Islington on a cancer awareness survey

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