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Surprise, AZ turns recyclable plastics into useful products with a trial of Automedi nano machines

Surprise, AZ Automedi Recyclable Plastics Products Trial


Automedi selected Surprise as the first municipal partner for its 3D product vending machines. Three nano units will circulate through the city's libraries, community centers, and public buildings during the pilot. Residents request free 3D-printed products like plastic containers, funnels, and utensils using the nano's simple interface. The project is funded by a $100,000 prize won by Automedi at the QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge with no additional cost to the city.


Surprise, AZ

Municipality in Arizona

US flag

United States


Automedi Nano | Automedi

Ideal in small pharmacies or as one of a bank, this low power unit creates cost-effective care equipment on-site, just in time

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