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Health & Human Services


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Phoenix, AZ to combat extreme heat with sustainable shade program

Phoenix is launching a sustainable shade program to combat extreme heat, led by Arizona State University, which includes creating neighborhood shade plans and training a workforce for green infrastructure maintenance. The initiative focuses on equitable distribution of shade, targeting heat-vulnerable communities like south Phoenix, where there are higher rates of people of color and poverty.

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Phoenix, AZ

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Phoenix, AX launches $60 million shade plan

Phoenix has launched a comprehensive $60 million Shade Phoenix Plan to mitigate the effects of extreme heat by increasing tree canopy and shade structures. The plan includes planting over 27,000 new trees and constructing 550 new shade structures, focusing on areas with the greatest need for heat mitigation. More than half of the investment will target low-to-moderate-income communities, aiming to provide equitable access to shade and cooler environments.

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Phoenix, AZ

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Chicago, IL considers opening city-owned grocery stores

Chicago conducted a study to address the impact of recent closures of city-owned grocery stores on local communities. The study recommends the city pursue some version of a municipally owned store or stores — and finds such stores could even turn a profit. It also suggests the city not attempt to operate a supermarket itself, but rather partner with a for-profit operator, a nonprofit operator or a co-op.

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Chicago, IL

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Boston, MA launches multi-agency action plan to reduce rodent population

Boston has unveiled a comprehensive Rat Action Plan aimed at reducing the city's rodent population through a combination of proactive measures and public education. Key strategies include increased inspections, enhanced sanitation efforts, and the use of modern technologies for tracking and addressing rodent activity. The plan also emphasizes community involvement and collaboration with local organizations to achieve long-term improvements in pest management.

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Boston, MA

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Paterson, NJ combats city’s opioid problem with RealFix program

Paterson, NJ, has implemented a program to deliver Suboxone, a medication used to treat opioid addiction, within 90 minutes to those who need it. This initiative aims to reduce barriers to treatment by providing faster access to medication-assisted therapy for opioid use disorder. By leveraging technology and partnerships with local pharmacies, Paterson seeks to improve health outcomes and support individuals in their recovery journey.

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Paterson, NJ

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New York, NY teams up with Google to launch open data toilet map

New York City and Google have collaborated to release a new toilet map aimed at improving access to public restrooms across the city. The map, accessible through Google Maps and Google Search, highlights nearly 3,000 public restroom locations, including those in parks, libraries, and other public facilities. This initiative addresses a longstanding urban challenge by providing residents and visitors with essential information for navigating the city more comfortably.

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New York, NY

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Phoenix, AZ launches substance use and overdose dashboard

Phoenix has launched a new Substance Use and Overdose Dashboard to tackle the city's rising drug overdose crisis. The dashboard provides real-time data on suspected and fatal overdoses, including demographic information such as age, gender, and location, which helps in identifying high-risk areas and trends. This initiative, funded by opioid settlement dollars, aims to enhance public awareness, support targeted interventions, and ultimately reduce overdose deaths in the community​

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Phoenix, AZ

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Atlanta, GA converts shipping containers into affordable housing

In light of a growing homeless population in Atlanta, city officials are converting shipping containers into affordable housing units that are accessible for those with disabilities and also include a bathroom, a bed and a refrigerator.. With 40 housing units now in use, the city has plans to add another 20,000 units by 2030.

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Atlanta, GA

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Kansas City, MO improves maternal and infant health outcomes with KCMO Doula Initiative

Kansas City approved a $250,000 partnership with Uzazi Village for free doula services to qualifying participants. Eligible residents are 8 to 20 months pregnant and earn up to 400% of the federal poverty guidelines. The program connects each participant to an experienced doula for guidance from early pregnancy through the postpartum period. Project leaders anticipate improved health for parents and newborns in communities facing healthcare disparities.

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Kansas City, MO

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Birmingham, AL Embrace Mothers pilot supports female-headed households with guaranteed income

Birmingham and Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI) funded a one-year pilot focused on single-mother households. Eligible applicants were female-identifying residents with one or more children under 18 years old without spouses or partners. Embrace Mothers paid $375 per month to 110 participants with another 132 residents surveyed as a control group. A dedicated dashboard hosted by MGI displayed participant demographics, spending patterns, and narratives.

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Birmingham, AL

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Aalborg, DK and Rødovre develop AI-powered platform for hospital rehabilitation recommendations

Aalborg and Rødovre spend 3,000 staff hours per year on planning rehabilitation paths for patients admitted to hospitals. A newly designed platform turns data on 18,000 past patients into insights on how future patients should be treated. Licensed clinicians review recommendations and develop treatment plans in collaboration with the platform. The municipalities received 5.9 million kroner from a national innovation fund for the project.

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Aalborg, DK

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Rødovre, DK

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Prince George's County, MD supports seniors and youth leaving care with a guaranteed income pilot

Thrive Prince George's is a two-year, $4 million pilot funded by the county, Greater Washington Community Foundation, and the Meyer Foundation. The program serves 85 residents aged 18 to 24 who have left the foster care system and 125 seniors. Each participant receives $800 per month throughout the pilot with no restrictions on how money is used. Local organizations CASA and UCAP administer the pilot and provide assistance with maintaining income-limited benefits.

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Prince George's County, MD

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