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Santa Fe, NM restricted employee access to the city's social media accounts to improve cybersecurity

Santa Fe, NM restricted social media access for employees

In Arbeit

The City of Santa Fe removed employee access to the city's social media accounts and the ability to distribute to all city email addresses. Every employee had to reapply for access by submitting a form which included a section for justifying their request. This new policy was enacted to reduce the risk of a ransomware attack by limiting the number of individuals with access to departmental accounts.


Santa Fe, NM

Municipality in New Mexico

US flag

United States



Santa Fe, N.M., Changes Social Media Practice for Security

Employees of Santa Fe, N.M., must now reapply for access to the city's social media accounts and email list. The city spokesperson said the change relates to cybersecurity and is more of a new practice than a new policy.


City of Santa Fe tightens security on its email, social media | Local News |

The city manager said the move was to "reduce the risk to the City of Santa Fe's network, data and to protect any confidential or other non-public information."

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