East Suffolk District Council, GB

Non-Metropolitan District en England

GB flag

United Kingdom

248.2k población
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East Suffolk District Council, GB Digital Springboard provides resources for business digitalization

Local businesses learn how to increase their digital presence through this online resource. This website presents free online workshops and a calendar of in-person events from MENTA. A Digital MOT survey evaluates each user's current assets and opportunities for digital growth. The Digi-Resource directory includes free tools for making logos and designing web pages. Entrepreneurs can apply for grants of up to £1,750 for software and consulting services through Digital Springboard.

Economic Development+3

East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB shapes Resilient Coasts project with Virtual Visitor Centre

East Suffolk, Great Yarmouth, and North Norfolk seek community feedback on plans for the six-year coastal resiliency project. The councils are augmenting feedback from their in-person events with the Virtual Visitor Centre. This online representation of a community space includes a welcome video on a virtual television and posters with project options. Participants find a checklist of ways they can get involved and a kiosk with a survey about Resilient Coasts.

Engagement Platforms+3

East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Great Yarmouth Borough Council, GB

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United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB collaborates with Go Jauntly on Explorer challenge pilot

East Suffolk residents sign up for the month-long Explorer challenge through the Go Jauntly app. Participants earn digital badges for completing at least 20 minutes of walking on the district's 70 miles of walking routes. User names are placed into weekly drawings for leisure center passes, smartwatches, and Go Jauntly subscriptions. This active lifestyle competition builds on free Wi-Fi, footfall sensors, and business marketing efforts within the district's Digital Towns initiative.

Parks and Recreation+3

East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB adopts Dynamic Purchasing System for Lowestoft regeneration

Council officials worked with In-tend on a DPS for the £350 million Lowestoft Town Investment Plan. Interested suppliers complete a survey about local employment, waste minimization, and other Strategic Plan criteria. Regeneration projects are divided into eight procurement categories including projects intended for small businesses. Preapproved vendors receive notices through the DPS system about opportunities across the 10-year project.


East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB visualizes progress on local plans with interactive report

The report was designed as a five-minute summary of council progress on the Suffolk Coastal and Waveney Local Plans. Readers find maps and graphs of land development statistics as they scroll through the report. Planning officials included links to neighborhood plans and policy documents that place current trends in context. East Suffolk relied on its Open Data Portal for sources on housing completions, self-builds, and site allocations.


East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB is distributing winter resources to help vulnerable residents

East Suffolk District Council is distributing "Everyone Active, Supported Together" (EAST) bags across its eight Community Partnership areas to help vulnerable residents stay active during the winter months. The EAST bags include resistance bands and exercise cards, a water bottle, hand warmer, recipe cards, freezer boxes, a puzzle book and some seeds to plant when the weather improves.

Citizen Services+3

East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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East Suffolk District Council, GB relaunched its Hidden Needs Grant Programme due to COVID-19

East Suffolk District Council relaunched its Hidden Needs Grant Programme to support residents struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council is inviting applications from local community organisations who are delivering projects which can help reduce social isolation and loneliness. The programme has a fund of £100,000 and grants of up to £10,000 are available. Previously the programme focused on older people with limited resources but the criteria has expanded to include any age.

Health & Human Services+1

East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

Proyectos verificados

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East Suffolk District Council, GB pilot provides temporary housing to reduce hospitalizations

East Suffolk District Council partnered with numerous local Councils and organisations to launch the "Stepping Home" pilot project. The goal of "Stepping Home" is to reduce housing-related hospital admissions and delayed discharges. The project provides temporary housing to individuals with a housing need that puts them at imminent risk for hospitalization or prevents them from being discharged. In the first two weeks, the pilot project enabled 42 patients to be successfully discharged.


East Suffolk District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

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