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Vejle, DK launched a "Repair Café" scheme to reduce waste by helping residents repair their items

Vejle, DK Repair Café scheme


The Municipality of Vejle launched a "Repair Café" scheme to reduce unnecessary waste by helping residents repair their defective items. The Repair Café is a free service operated by volunteers who repair electronics, clothes, and other various items for residents. In addition to the free repair service, residents have the opportunity to learn how to repair items themselves.


Vejle, DK

Municipality in Syddanmark

DK flag




Repair Cafe Vejle bliver permanent - Vejle Kommune

Vejle Kommune inviterede til "Repair Cafe" to gange i januar og gør nu ordningen permanent. Det betyder, at Vejle-borgere også fremover kan lære at få fixet defekte dimser. Cafeen har åben den sidste tirsdag hver måned - næste gang er den 25. februar fra kl. 19-21.


Slut med at smide væk: Repair Cafe åbner i Vejle - Vejle Kommune

Vejle Kommune inviterede til "Repair Cafe" to gange i januar og gør nu ordningen permanent. Det betyder, at Vejle-borgere også fremover kan lære at få fixet defekte dimser. Cafeen har åben den sidste tirsdag hver måned.

Proyecto realizado con éxito

During the two-day trial, 160 people visited the Repair Café and over 65 items were repaired by 40 volunteers. Based on the success of the trial, the Municipality of Vejle decided to make the Repair Café scheme permanent.

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