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Aalborg, DK and community partners make events more sustainable with a mobile power bank

Aalborg, DK Community Partners Mobile Power Bank Sustainable


Aalborg, university researchers, and private-sector partners spent a year evaluating alternatives to generators for outdoor events. The result of this collaboration is a compact trailer with an 80-kilowatt battery and nine exterior solar panels. This zero-emission power source can be pulled by most passenger vehicles and provides enough electricity for concerts and cultural festivals. Municipal officials first introduced the power bank for an October 2023 concert at Skørbæk Søpavillon.


Aalborg, DK

Municipality in Nordjylland

DK flag




Powered by Aalborg Kommune: mobil ”powerbank” skal nu gøre koncerter og events grønnere

Slut med sort strøm og larmende dieselgeneratorer til koncerter? Aalborg Kommune, Energy Cluster Denmark og forskere fra Aalborg Universitet har udviklet en mobil batteritrailer med solceller. Den skal nu give grøn kultur på nye smukke naturscener. Først


Indsæt releMobile power unit with renewable energy for eventsvant meta title - Aalborg University

Events like open air concerts often use diesel generators to supply electric power. That’s noisy and not sustainable. Researchers at AAU Energy, amongst them Associate Professor Simon Sahlin, has cooperated with Aalborg Kommune, Energy Cluster Denmark, Green Hub Denmark and companies Sound & Light, and GEST (Green Energy Supply Technology, which is a AAU Energy spin-off company) to create a new mobile battery solution with solar power. It premieres on Sunday October 1st at a concert with Dorte Gerlach in Skørbæk.

Más de Aalborg

Aalborg, DK partnered with Holo to deploy SmartBus Denmark's first self-driving electric bus

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