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Eurobodalla, NSW protects wildlife and motorists with state-first virtual fencing pilot

Eurobodalla, NSW Virtual Fencing Pilot Wildlife Motorists

En curso

Shire officials worked with the wildlife rescue group WIRES on identifying hotspots for animal crossings. Virtual fencing spans 900 meters along Cullendulla Drive and 200 meters along Blairs Road. Sensors covering each 25-meter detect the presence of approaching headlights. Audio alerts and lights activated by the network discourage wildlife movement into traffic. The one-year pilot will measure how virtual fencing impacts roadkill incidents and road safety.


Eurobodalla, NSW

Area in New South Wales

AU flag




Eurobodalla to trial virtual fencing - Inside Local Government

In a State-first, Eurobodalla Council, in the south coast region of NSW, is set to trial a virtual fencing system on two local roads. The virtual fence uses non-invasive audio and visual alerts to deter animals from crossing the road with the twin goals of improving road safety and reducing animal road-kill. Each fence consists of devices […]


Cullendulla virtual fence a state first | Eurobodalla Council

Council will trial a virtual fencing system on Cullendulla Drive and Blairs Road at Long Beach to reduce both road kill and vehicle damage.

Más de Eurobodalla

Eurobodalla, NSW pilots positive reinforcement for residents who assist with litter removal
Eurobodalla, NSW expands We Care Eurobodalla sustainability campaign during COVID-19 lockdowns

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