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Santa Monica, CA collaborates with Los Angeles Metro on One Car Challenge pilot

Santa Monica, CA Los Angeles Metro One Car Challenge

En curso

The One Car Challenge seeks 200 Santa Monica households for five weeks of one-car use. Eligible residents are aged 21 or older and live in households with at least two cars. Participants receive $119.80 per week for leaving extra cars at home. Metro provides $50 TAP cards and up to 10 free Metro Bike Share rides per participant during the pilot. Transit officials are working with local leaders to determine the pilot's feasibility for other Los Angeles County communities.


Santa Monica, CA

Municipality in California

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United States



Hey Santa Monica! Get paid to give your car a rest! | The Source

Can paying people not to drive reduce traffic? Well, research and practice from around the globe show that incentives to take transit, carpool, walk or bike can reduce driving trips … and have a bi…


Metro program will pay people not to drive their cars - Los Angeles Times

L.A. Metro's "One Car Challenge" offers up to $599 and asks residents in households with multiple cars to drive just one of their cars for five weeks.

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