Westminster City Council, GB
London Borough dans l’État England
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB trials single sign-on service for public wifi
Westminster City Council is trialing a single sign-on service for public Wi-Fi to enhance connectivity across 50 key locations in the city, including markets and libraries. The program, named Connected London WiFi, aims to tackle digital inequality by providing seamless internet access without the need for repeated logins. The initiative is supported by Guglielmo and the Wireless Broadband Alliance, focusing on improving user experience rather than adding new access points.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB supports residents with Community Health and Wellbeing Workers trial
Westminster recruited four part-time CHWWs for its partnership with Pimlico Health at The Marven. Each CHWW spends one hour per month with 120 social housing residents in Churchill Gardens. These visits identify acute and chronic health issues for treatment through Pimlico Health. CHWWs build trust with patients through email, WhatsApp, and text conversations between appointments. City officials used the Brazilian Family Health Strategy as a model for this pilot.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB addresses delivery vehicle emissions with micro-hub pilot
City officials and the Cross River Partnership selected Delivery Mates as the operator for this six-month trial. A 750-square-foot hub in an underused section of a Cumberland Street parking lot accepts parcels from an electric delivery truck. An estimated 2,000 daily deliveries to local addresses are carried out by staff on e-cargo bikes. Project leaders will evaluate the hub's impacts on air quality and congestion throughout the pilot.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB deploys AI-supported cameras in campaign against illegal dumping
The city installed CCTV cameras connected to an AI-enabled platform at three illegal dumping hotspots. Each camera records nearby license plates during suspected illegal dumping incidents. Local law enforcement review CCTV footage and issue fines or pursue further action using data from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. This pilot supports the council's Coordinated Community Response strategy for collaborative responses to anti-social behavior.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB studies air quality near primary schools with Earthsense Zephyr sensors
Project partners FM Conway and WSP installed 20 sensors above the streets surrounding four schools. Sensor data on nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter are sent to a public dashboard. There is a daily update for each school based on the Air Quality Index along with advice for reducing exposure to pollutants. City officials will compare data from the one-year pilot to the previous year in evaluating local traffic's impacts on community health.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB upgrades inspection records management with smart tags in council homes
City engineers are placing RFID tags on electrical and gas meters in 13,331 council homes during a two-month installation. Coin-sized tags will be scanned by contractors when they conduct safety inspections and repairs. Each scan sends location, date, and time information to the unit's digital record. Westminster City Council can track contractor visits and update housing records without additional visits once smart tags are installed.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council, GB Environmental Justice Measure maps progress toward a fairer environment
City officials populated the new mapping tool with national data on deprivation levels for each ward. EJM users start with a citywide map of ward-level environmental quality levels based on 10 factors. Sections on sustainable transport, tree canopy, and environmental risks can be filtered for individual factors like heat risk and proximity to cycling facilities. This UK-first project provides a foundation for efforts at a net-zero community for all by 2040.
Westminster City Council, GB
United Kingdom