Espoo, FI

Municipality in Finland

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289.7k bevolking
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Espoo, FI advances social inclusion and emissions reduction efforts with cycle participation program

Espoo received $60,000 from EIT Climate-KIC and FedEx for a program aimed at new immigrants. The initiative aims to prepare newcomers for Espoo's strong cycling culture with free training courses. Local officials will also recruit a network of local bike shops for free or discounted maintenance along with bike recommendations based on customer needs. This effort focuses on female refugees and immigrants in need of low-cost transportation options.


Espoo, FI

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Espoo, FI collaborates with tech companies and a basketball club on a sustainable mobility pilot

City officials coordinated a two-month pilot with KONE, MOPRIM, and players from Tapiolan Honka. Each player used MOPRIM's Move Together app for daily tracking of their transit choices. The app turns entries on trip type, distance, and duration into visualizations of carbon emissions. Project leaders found up to 90% of player commutes were completed by car, thus presenting opportunities for emission reductions. The pilot was part of the continent-wide SPARCS sustainability research project.


Espoo, FI

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Espoo, FI evaluates modular and sustainable options for public spaces with Kera New Street pilot

A 40-meter space in front of Keran Hallit hosts new street furniture and features during the summer pilot. Visitors interact with products like 3D-printed concrete planters and recycled wood seating. Six vendors were selected for the program based on the eco-friendliness and modularity of their products. Local officials will use visitor survey responses in considering how Kera New Street can be replicated elsewhere in Espoo.

Parks and Recreation+3

Espoo, FI

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Espoo, FI undertakes its first biomass mapping project to guide the journey to a circular economy

Biomass including manure, garden waste, and forest waste is used for energy generation throughout the city. The mapping project documented every source and processing point for biomass in Espoo. The project team differentiated municipal and private-sector resources on the map to engage with the correct stakeholders on processing improvements. Biomass mapping is part of Espoo's participation in the national KIEPPI project for circular economic development.

Energy Solutions+2

Espoo, FI

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Espoo, FI facilitates customer service improvements with virtual chatbot hackathon

Municipal officials invited Elisa, Fronti.ai, and GetJenny for a one-day hackathon on Microsoft Teams. Participants were asked to create chatbots that improve customer experiences while meeting departmental goals. Espoo supplied the participating companies with data and customer service policies to guide prototype development. Front.ai was selected as the winning team by attendees, though ideas presented by all three companies will shape Espoo's use of chatbots.


Espoo, FI

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Espoo, FI coordinates with neighboring councils on Personal Budgeting Pilot for accessible transit

Espoo, Lohja, and Kirkkonummi are using the pilot to learn how to meet the needs of commuters with disabilities. Participants test car leases, smart routing, and digital kilometer or euro allowances as alternatives to existing transit options. Each user is surveyed throughout the pilot about likes, dislikes, and implementation issues. The Personal Budgeting Pilot is scheduled to run through December 2021 with feedback used to further develop regional solutions.


Espoo, FI

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Lohja , FI

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Espoo, FI opens annual mayoral competition to businesses in search of customer-focused innovations

The city is celebrating the event's 10th anniversary by expanding eligibility to local businesses. Previous competitions sought ideas solely from public employees. Participants are encouraged to submit existing innovations or new ideas that improve resident experiences with the city government. Excellence Finland narrows the proposals to a list of finalists with presentations given at the city's management conference. Winning applicants receive funding to implement their ideas.

Business Engagement+1

Espoo, FI

FI flag
