Todos os produtos de BindiMaps


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BindiMaps is a mobile app that locates users precisely in indoor spaces.

BindiMaps screenshot 1

The app uses a simple, natural language audio system to describe where users are and what’s around them, and the best way to get to their chosen destination. We empower people with vision impairment to navigate with ease. BindiMaps helps remove barriers to mobility, which assists with employment, independence and engagement with the community. Our technology enables people to navigate with confidence and independence as they move through unfamiliar and complex indoor spaces. BindiMaps opens up a whole new world for exploration. Evacuation and emergency signage in public spaces is visual, and people with vision impairment often need to rely on strangers for directions. Our technology takes the stranger out of the mix.

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Fundado em 2017

On a mission to revolutionise the way we navigate indoors, where GPS can’t reach, first for people with a vision impairment, but then for everyone.

Na Govlaunch desde 18 de novembro de 2021

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