Tolemi BuildingBlocks
BuildingBlocks is a map-based application that connects and updates data held in different systems and formats across departments & agencies
Integrating city data from multiple departments and systems into a single, easy-to-use application. We enable local governments to be smarter and more effective by delivering insights into multiple data sets quickly.
A complete, up-to-date profile for every property in your municipality with information pulled automatically from any system or department.
Easy-to-use filters and search tools to quickly identify properties that meet specific criteria relevant to your work.
Comprehensive data on every owner in your municipality in a single screen, and smart linking that identifies potentially related owners through shell LLC’s.
Customizable reports and data visualization tools, shareable through dashboards that automatically refresh when the data changes.
Fundado em 2013
Enabling local governments to be smarter and more effective by delivering insights into multiple data sets quickly.
Na Govlaunch desde 10 de outubro de 2017
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