Birmingham City Council, GB responds to illegal dumping with Mobile Household Recycling Centres
Birmingham City Council, GB Mobile Household Recycling
The MHRC initiative was created following a rise in illegal dumping incidents by unlicensed operators. Each MHRC consists of vehicles for free landfill waste, recycling, and reusable appliance collection. Local officials developed four MHRC teams to support at least one stop per year in the city's 69 wards. Birmingham City Council schedules twice-monthly MHRC visits in areas with high-density residential areas or limited access to recycling facilities.
Industry award won by council for cleaner streets scheme | Birmingham City Council
Industry award won by council for cleaner streets scheme - National recognition has been earned for the city council’s Mobile Household Recycling Centre (MHRC) service – in the form of a prestigious Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) Award.
Group 28
The fleet include vehicles for regular waste, reusable items and segregated recycling
Projekt lyckat
Birmingham City Council won the Best New Idea category at the 2022 LARAC Annual Awards.
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