Broward County, FL Parks & Recreation uses Aira way-finding app to help visually impaired visitors
Broward County, FL Aira way-finding mobile app park visitors
The Broward County Parks and Recreation Division is the first in the state of Florida to provide visitors with access to advanced way-finding through the Aira mobile app. The way-finding mobile app helps visually impaired visitors navigate the parks by connecting them to trained agents for real-time support. The agents provide users with up to 30 minutes of assistance per day to locate specific facilities, read signage, and provide general navigation.
See the Vision: Improved Way-Finding Access in Broward County Parks | We Are Parks and Recreation | Parks & Recreation Magazine | NRPA
A way-finding app helps individuals who are blind or have low vision to navigate through parks.
Broward Parks Scores a First With Way-Finding App for Visually Impaired
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