Bruxelles [Brussels], BCR
Municipality i Bruxelles-Capitale (Region of Brussels)
Bruxelles [Brussels], BCR transitions horse-drawn carriages to electric
Brussels is transitioning from horse-drawn carriages to electric ones to modernize its tourism industry and reduce carbon emissions. The move aims to enhance sustainability while maintaining the city's historic charm. The new electric carriages, designed to look like traditional ones, will provide a quieter, eco-friendly alternative for city tours.
Bruxelles [Brussels], BCR
Brussels, BCR incentivizes sustainable transit options with Bruxell'Air Bonus program
Bruxell'Air Bonus supports a Low Emissions Zone established throughout the city in 2018. Residents qualify for incentive payments within six months of de-registering their vehicles. Bonus vouchers range from €500 for residents earning €75,100 per year and up to €900 for disabled residents and those earning less than €37,600 per year. The city's Mobility Coach assists participants in choosing approved alternatives including bike purchases, Cambio carshare memberships, and Modalizy MaaS cards.
Bruxelles [Brussels], BCR