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Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, GB commissioned services to prevent youth homelessness

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, GB homeless support


Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council commissioned the Young Persons Prevention and Support Service (YPASS) which is managed by Horton Housing. The service was designed to prevent youth homelessness by providing high quality housing, training and support for vulnerable people between the ages of 16 and 21. YPASS offers a variety of support services including emergency accommodation, mediation, supported lodgings, prevention work, bond guarantees, and expert advice.


Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, GB

Metropolitan council in England

GB flag

United Kingdom



Young persons’ homeless prevention service shortlisted for national award | News Centre - Official news site of Calderdale Council

The Young Persons’ Prevention and Support Service (YPASS) in Calderdale has been shortlisted in the Housing Heroes Awards. The service, managed by Horton Housing and commissioned by Calderdale Council, has been shortlisted in the ‘Frontline team of the Year’ (under…

Projekt lyckat

The Young Persons Prevention and Support Service has been shortlisted in the "Frontline Team of the Year" category of the Housing Heroes Awards 2020.

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