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Denver, CO Climate Action Rebate Program furthers equitable adoption of sustainable practices

Denver, CO Climate Action Rebate Program Equitable Practices


The three-year program draws on funds from the voter-approved Climate Protection Fund. Residents receive $400 instant rebates on e-bikes purchased from participating retailers. This rebate increases by $500 for e-cargo bikes and $800 for income-qualified families. Applicants stack city and Xcel Energy rebates for home energy upgrades like on-site batteries and air-source heat pumps. City officials and Energy Resource Center will focus on low-income neighborhoods in the program's marketing.


Denver, CO

Municipality in Colorado

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United States



Denver offers residents instant rebates on e-bike purchases - Cities Today

Residents can avail of US$400 rebates on the purchase of e-bikes as part of its newly launched Climate Action Rebate programme.


Denver Launches $9M Instant Climate Action Rebate Program - City and County of Denver

Denver's Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency launched its Climate Action Rebates program on Friday. The city is covering up to 100% of the cost for all-electric energy equipment, such as heat pumps, e-bikes and solar panels, for Denver residents to transition to cleaner heating, cooling, and more.

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