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Dublin City Council, IE accelerates the potential of drones across Ireland

Dublin project to help drone use take off in public service


Dublin City Council launched a multi-pronged effort to identify how local government can utilize drones in areas such as civil defense, emergency response, public safety and environmental monitoring. Led by DCC’s Smart Dublin team, it is establishing a network across multiple government agencies at local and national level to inform policymakers on potential opportunities and best practices emerging around the world.


Dublin City Council, IE

City council in Eastern and Midland Region

IE flag


Involverad kommun


Dublin City Council, IE

IE flag



Accelerating the Potential of Drones for Local Government- Drones Use Cases & Industry - YouTube

Drones can be used to deliver public sector services in a safer, quicker and more efficient way ‼️In addition to our video of key highlights, we also created...

Accelerating the Potential of Drones for Local Government - Smart Dublin

  The ‘Accelerating the Potential of Drones for Local Government’ project is led by Dublin City Council (DCC) and co-funded […]

Projekt lyckat

The funding has supported the development of a series of best practice guides, frameworks, case studies, online learning materials and workshops for the sector, accelerating new opportunities and innovation potential for drones across Ireland.

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