Fremont, CA
Municipality i California
United States
Fremont, CA Smart Corridor project equips traffic signals with emergency vehicle preemption tech
The City of Fremont created the is upgrading traffic signals as part of the "Fremont Boulevard Safe and Smart Corridor" project to improve traffic management and road safety. The project involves using LYT Emergency Vehicle Preemption technology developed by Sinwaves, Inc. to reliably provide first responders with green lights. The city is currently upgrading more than 30 traffic signals across nine miles of Fremont Boulevard with plans to implement the system across all 230 traffic signals.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont CA deploys intersection analytics to identify dangerous road with artificial intelligence
The city of Fremont is partnering with Detroit-based technology company Derq and its partner traffic signal specialist CT Group to deploy intersection analytics systems at 37 intersections along Fremont Boulevard. The intersection analytics systems will use proprietary software to detect near-misses from traffic intersection video sources using artificial intelligence. This smart corridor project will identify hot spots based on dangerous roadway behavior with continuous classified counts.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont, CA combines employment assistance with STEM training through Earn and Learn Fremont pilot
Twenty-five residents laid off during the pandemic were offered short-term employment at Evolve Manufacturing. The ELF Pilot includes eight weeks of paid work and six weeks of online smart manufacturing courses from Ohlone College. Every participant receives a laptop for the program's duration to complete coursework. Pilot participants can continue smart manufacturing degrees at Ohlone College or use newly acquired skills to find full-time manufacturing work.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont, CA assists residents financially impacted by COVID-19 with Financial Navigators program
Alameda County residents fill out online forms to schedule free consultations in four languages with trained Navigators. Phone consultations identify short-term financial needs that qualify for city and county programs. Financial Navigators also work with participants on budgets to emerge from the pandemic on sound footing. Fremont's Human Services Department extended its reach to the entire county with the help of the International Rescue Committee of Oakland.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont, CA and partner on a self-driving car pilot that serves city employees
Local startup outfitted Lincoln sedans with autonomous driving technology that navigates traffic via sensors and cameras. An in-car operator oversees vehicle performance and intervenes in case of operational issues. City employees shuttle between the Amtrak station, City Hall, and the Development Services Center. Fremont pursued this autonomous vehicle project to evaluate one method for reducing single-occupant commutes by 50% in the next 20 years.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont, CA Fire Department stations uses microgrids as backup power sources
Three Fremont Fire Department stations use microgrids as backup power sources in case of outages. The microgrids are powered by solar panels in parking lots and provide enough power for three days of continuous operation.
Fremont, CA
United States
Fremont, CA launched its open data portal as part of the city's transparency intiative
The Fremont Open Data Portal was designed as part of the city's strategic transparency initiative to quickly and easily provide data to the public. Users can download GIS data (transportation, planning, landmarks, etc.) in various formats and the site is updated regularly.
Fremont, CA
United States