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Grand Rapids, MI Parks and Recreation Department's gear library provides access to outdoor equipment

Grand Rapids, MI gear library access to outdoor equipment


The city of Grand Rapids' Parks and Recreation Department created a gear library to provide more equitable access to outdoor activities. The gear library offers free outdoor equipment for camping, birding, sledding, sports, games, yoga, etc. The gear library was designed to empower and engage underserved communities in order to make outdoor recreation a more accessible lifestyle.


Grand Rapids, MI

Municipality in Michigan

US flag

United States



Grand Rapids opens gear library to help connect more residents to outdoor activities

Grand Rapids’ Parks & Recreation Department has opened a new gear library to provide more equitable access to outdoor activities.



Featuring stacks filled with hiking boots to sleeping bags, the city of Grand Rapids is launching a new kind of library that looks to get outdoor gear in the hands of families that otherwise may not have access to the often pricey equipment.

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