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Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GB leads digital inclusion pilot for Salford care leavers

Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GB Digital Inclusion


Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Salford City Council introduced the program based on data showing 3,900 youths are digitally excluded after leaving foster care. The one-year pilot provides free data plans and mobile devices to 40 qualifying residents. Participants receive free digital skills training needed for personal and professional success. Authority officials will use lessons from the Salford pilot in the development of similar programs for other local councils.


Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GB

Combined authority in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Involverad kommun


Salford City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom



New pilot launched to address digital poverty for care leavers in Salford - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) - working together to improve the lives of people in Greater Manchester - Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Wigan


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Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GB develops a 5G SMART Decarbonisation Network
Greater Manchester Combined Authority, GB facilitates digital inclusion pilot for social housing

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