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Hoboken, NJ establishes Department of Climate Action & Innovation


The City of Hoboken has established a new Department of Climate Action & Innovation to address climate change and enhance sustainability efforts. This department aims to improve the city's resilience against flooding and other climate impacts, while also identifying cost-saving measures. The department will oversee various initiatives, including greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency, and stormwater management, positioning Hoboken as a leader in climate preparedness and innovation.


Hoboken, NJ

Municipality in New Jersey

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United States



City of Hoboken establishes Department of Climate Action & Innovation  - Insider NJ

City of Hoboken establishes Department of Climate Action & Innovation     HOBOKEN, NJ – Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla and the City of Hoboken today announced the creation of a new Department of Climate Action & Innovation, to address the urgent challenges of climate change. This new department reflects Hoboken’s commitment to enhancing sustainability efforts within the city and protecting Hoboken from the impacts of climate change. The[...]

Mer från Hoboken

Hoboken, NJ is piloting four Hudson River flood projects: Resist, Delay, Store, Discharge

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