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Kapiti Coast District Council, NZ conducts a one-year trial of public recycling stations

Kapiti Coast District Council, NZ public recycling stations


Kapiti Coast District Council is conducting a one-year trial of a new recycling station installed at Maclean Park. The trial was designed to reduce landfill waste and combat littering by improving public access to a recycling station. The success of the trial is dependent on residents properly sorting their waste and only inserting recyclable material into the station. Following a successful trial, the Council will evaluate the cost of expanding the recycling stations to other public spaces.


Kapiti Coast District Council, NZ

District council in New Zealand

NZ flag

New Zealand



Recycling the right way – new system trialled at Maclean Park - Kāpiti Coast District Council


Recycling the right way – new system trialled at Maclean Park — Kāpiti Now

A new recycling station that makes it easier to recycle while out and about has been installed at Maclean Park in Paraparaumu for a 12-month trial.

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