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Livingstone, QLD created region-first Smart Precinct in Yeppoon Town Centre

Livingstone, QLD Yeppoon Town Centre Smart Precinct


This project leverages smart devices and a low-power wide-area network (LORAWAN) to improve connectivity in the town's central business district. Council officials created an attractive space for visitors with interactive public art and a smart parking system. Smart LED lighting reduces electrical costs and allows adjustments based on time of day. A smart waste bin along the beachfront provides a glimpse into the future of waste management.


Livingstone, QLD

Shire in Queensland

AU flag



Yeppoon Town Centre Smart Precinct Project

Development of the Yeppoon Town Centre Smart Precinct will provide smart LED lighting, access to free data, data capture and analytics, LORAWAN and IOT devices. This technology will benefit the community by attracting investment, creating jobs and transitioning the community into a digitally-innovative town.

Mer från Livingstone

Livingstone, QLD uses smart lighting pilot with Ergon Energy to protect turtle population

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