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London Borough of Barnet, GB introduces BarNET ZERO campaign for a net-zero borough by 2042

London Borough of Barnet, GB BarNET ZERO Campaign


BarNET ZERO began with a five-week advertising campaign about co-design opportunities. An online portal, a Citizens' Assembly on climate change, and a newsletter continue community engagement on sustainability. Borough officials advanced Europe's largest air-source heat pump project for 6,700 new homes at the Brent Cross Town development. A £9 million Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, 510 new EV chargers, and council building improvements contribute to BarNET ZERO's goals.


London Borough of Barnet, GB

London borough in England

GB flag

United Kingdom


Join our journey to becoming net zero carbon | Engage Barnet

Climate change affects every one of the 400,000 residents living here in Barnet. Even though Barnet is one of the greenest boroughs in London with more than 2000 acres of green land, annually we are producing 1.76 million tonnes of carbon emissions. That is the

Barnet Council's BarNET ZERO sustainability campaign | Local Government Association

BarNET ZERO is a sustainability project launched by Barnet council with a goal to be a net zero borough by 2042.


Mer från London Borough of Barnet

London Borough of Barnet, GB Community Tree Portal inventories vital resources in net-zero efforts
London Borough of Barnet, GB installed and mapped a network of e-vehicle charging stations

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