London Borough of Lambeth, GB
London Borough i England
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB opens Community Parklet Scheme for resident design suggestions
Individuals and community groups can submit their parklet designs for council funding. The online application form includes a template with mandatory elements like roadside barriers and optional features like bike parking. Successful applicants keep their parklets clean, while the council provides major maintenance services. Twenty-five parklets on street parking spots will be funded as part of the borough's Big Shift initiative for greener and more active travel.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB addresses housing quality issues with Disrepair Arbitration Pilot
Council home tenants typically take disrepair claims to court and pay legal fees out of their awards. The UK-first pilot scheme moves arbitration cases in-house before an independent barrister. Claimants can file complaints about issues ranging from excessive dampness to structural problems. Expedited hearings use resident and expert accounts to determine if financial awards are appropriate. Lambeth's repair team quickly addresses issues and claimants receive 100% of their awards.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB partners with Lightning Reach on financial assistance portal
Borough officials estimated that 30% of council home tenants face financial hardships. Public engagement with struggling residents led to a pilot of a beta version of the portal driven by council e-mail outreach. The online tool produces financial grant recommendations based on profile information with account sign-up taking as little as 10 minutes. The pilot's success led to an expansion of available grant options to all council assistance schemes.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB expands broadband access with estate connectivity initiative
Borough officials signed agreements with five providers for a four-year fiber installation schedule. The program offers high-speed broadband to 34,000 council estates without reliable connectivity. Residents can opt into affordable Internet plans from their choice of participating providers. Lambeth approved this initiative as part of a new Digital Strategy that includes expanded free Wi-Fi access, skills training sessions, and device loans from council buildings.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB engages residents on air quality action with Clean Air Lambeth website
Council officials gather location-specific experiences with air pollution on the site's Air Quality Map. Residents pin their locations on the Commonplace map, rate air quality on a smiley-face scale, and suggest steps for quality improvement. Clean Air Lambeth also houses a three-step survey for users with general thoughts on air quality. Feedback from this engagement campaign will shape Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan starting in 2023.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB redesigned its website for mobile devices to improve online access
London Borough of Lambeth redesigned its website for mobile devices to improve online access to Council services for residents. The redesign process involved reviewing over 2,500 pages of content for accessibility, accuracy, and clarity. A panel of 500 residents were consulted and over 150 residents participated via interviews, surveys, and testing. The new design is easier to navigate due to short sentences and bullet points replacing text-heavy paragraphs.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth, GB partnered with Beam to support homeless residents seeking employment
London Borough of Lambeth partnered with Beam to support residents into employment and provide funding for job training, equipment, childcare, and travel costs. Participating residents are matched with a dedicated Beam caseworker who supports them on their journey into employment. Each participant's crowdfunding campaign is supported by approximately 200 people. Eligibility is limited to homeless residents currently seeking employment.
London Borough of Lambeth, GB
United Kingdom