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Oakland, CA partnered with Greenling Institute to develop the Town Link digital inclusion program

Oakland, CA Town Link digital inclusion program


The city of Oakland partnered with the non-profit Greenling Institute to develop "The Town Link" a program to improve digital literacy, foster digital inclusion, and reduce the digital divide. The year-long program raises awareness of affordable broadband plans and provides computers to residents that lack reliable internet connectivity. The program also provides 10 local organizations with $10,000 city-funded grants to increase internet adoption and digital literacy in priority communities.


Oakland, CA

Municipality in California

US flag

United States


The Greenlining Institute

A policy, research, organizing, and leadership development institute working for racial and economic justice.

Oakland Digital Inclusion Program - The Greenlining Institute

To address Oakland's digital divide, Greenlining partnered with the City of Oakland to launch a year-long program to build digital inclusion.


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