Taupo District Council, NZ
District Council i New Zealand
New Zealand
Taupo District Council, NZ upgraded online mapping tool Mapi for compatibility with mobile devices
Taupo District Council upgraded Mapi, its online mapping tool powered by Esri, to improve the user interface, increase data accessibility, and ensure compatibility with mobile devices. Users can search for property information, review aerial photography, locate water pipes, view the rubbish collection schedule, etc. The Council encourages residents to provide feedback on the upgraded Mapi via an online survey.
Taupo District Council, NZ
New Zealand
Taupo District Council, NZ created highway stops to discuss the dangers of fatigue with drivers
Taupo District Council partnered with Hawkes Bay Regional Council to launch a road safety campaign to raise awareness of the risks of driving while fatigued. The campaign includes fatigue stops along State Highway Five where drivers are given refreshments and advice about breaking up their journey. The Councils also installed 13 new billboards with messages reiterating the dangers of driver fatigue.
Taupo District Council, NZ
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Regional Council, NZ
New Zealand
Taupo District Council, NZ created an Ungiven Gifts street display to encourage road safety
Taupo District Council created an Ungiven Gifts street display to encourage road safety by showcasing the emotional impact of traffic fatalities. The display includes 22 plinths featuring an ungiven gift symbolizing the gifts family and friends would never be able to give their loved ones. Each gift represents someone between the ages of 8 and 59 that died on the district's roads last year.
Taupo District Council, NZ
New Zealand