The Hague, ZH introduces Living Lab Scheveningen for smart city innovation testing
The Hague, ZH Living Lab Scheveningen Smart City Innovation
Living Lab Scheveningen tests a variety of connected technologies in real-world conditions. Autonomous robots collect waste near the district's coastline. Smart lights track crowd formations in pedestrian-heavy areas and adjust lighting for improved safety. Digital signs on seafront beaches inform visitors about water safety conditions. A local smart grid provides easy access to electricity for businesses, emergency responders, and public works teams.
The Hague - The Hague winner of World Smart City Award 2021
LivingLab Scheveningen is the winner of the international World Smart City Award. The World Smart City Award was presented on 17 November during the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.
Den Haag - Nieuwe uitvindingen in Living Lab Scheveningen
Een deel van de boulevard van Scheveningen wordt gebruikt om nieuwe techniek te testen. Dit Living Lab onderzoekt of en hoe met technische vernieuwing maatschappelijke problemen kunnen worden opgelost.
Projekt lyckat
The Hague won the Energy & Environment Award at the World Smart City Awards 2021.
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