Trois-Rivières, QC places public projects up for a vote with inaugural participatory budget
Trois-Rivières, QC Participatory Budget Public Projects Vote
Projects suggested by the public were narrowed to six finalists after cost analysis by city officials. The finalists were selected because they were durable improvements to public properties. Voters aged 12 years and older were asked to rank their top three selections. The top two projects divided up to $200,000 CAD in city funds for implementation in 2021. Eligible projects ranged from the addition of new signage at the city entrance to an edible plant project at Lambert Park.
Budget participatif : c’est l’heure du vote! | Site officiel de la Ville de Trois-Rivières
La communauté trifluvienne est invitée à voter pour l'un des six projets soumis à la population afin de déterminer les projets gagnants.
Participatory budget: six projects submitted to popular vote - L'
The voting period for the first participatory budget of Trois-Rivières is underway. A total of six projects are put to a popular vote to determine the two
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