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Carlsbad, CA considers new ordinance requiring all-electric residential construction

Carlsbad, CA electric residential construction ordinance


The Carlsbad City Council is considering a new ordinance that would require all-electric residential construction from developers. The ordinance would require water heaters, clothes dryers, space heaters and other appliances in all new construction to be electric instead of natural gas.


Carlsbad, CA

Municipality in California

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United States



California City Considering All-Electric Construction Ordinance

Carlsbad, Calif., which is located in Southern California, is considering a new ordinance that would require all-electric residential construction from developers as part of the 2023 update of its Climate Action Plan.


All-electric construction could go into Carlsbad's climate plan - The San Diego Union-Tribune

City studies options for electrification ordinance

Mer från Carlsbad

Carlsbad, CA approved an ordinance for efficient water heating for new developments

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