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Milwaukee County, WI Courthouse Navigator Program assists residents with court filings and services

The program deploys AmeriCorps staff members as navigators for those with business before the circuit court. Free assistance includes estate planning document filing and guidance on eviction appeals. The Courthouse Navigator Program includes access to the Milwaukee Justice Center's legal helpline and dispute resolution resources. County officials created the program to improve court service access despite limited staff and volunteer hours.


Milwaukee County, WI

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United States

Thurston County, WA implements Public Safety Assessment tool for transparent pretrial decisions

Thurston County's Pretrial Services team uses the PSA in deciding pretrial release or detainment conditions. PSA is a risk assessment method built on demographic and criminal justice data validated by RTI International. PSA results, case evidence, and constitutional requirements inform pretrial conditions in every case. County officials pursued a multi-year development process for the PSA as part of its involvement in the national Advancing Pretrial Policy & Research program.


Thurston County, WA

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United States

San Diego County, CA protects homeowners from title fraud with Owner Alert notification system

The county's Real Estate Fraud Unit reported 38 title fraud cases under investigation in October 2022. Owner Alert is a free service for homeowners concerned about losing their properties to fraudulent title transfers. Subscribers provide their email address, name, and Assessor Parcel Number (APN) for targeted notifications. The county clerk's office emails when documents related to the APN are filed. The system allows up to 10 owner names and APNs per email address.


San Diego County, CA

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United States

Sydney, NSW simplifies risk management and compliance by developing a cloud-based tool

City departments previously used spreadsheets and emailed reports to track risk management tasks. The new system provides a centralized resource for investigations, insurance claims, and risk assessments. An Executive Risk Report shows the status of ongoing actions, the effectiveness of controls, and residual risk levels. The platform offers department-level views and easy-to-use risk registers. Assigned coordinators can customize reports for specific departmental or project needs.


Sydney, NSW

AU flag


Utrecht, UT Normal Rent initiative helps young tenants understand their right to affordable rent

The Normale Huur - Normal Rent - website explains tenant rights including clear pricing and privacy. Renters use a price-checking tool to determine if they are overpaying for their units based on price and amenities. There are also contacts for tenants facing unfair prices including legal services from the Huurteam and arbitration by the Rent Assessment Committee. Utrecht introduced this initiative ahead of a 2023 national law change supporting municipal efforts at fair rents.


Utrecht, UT

NL flag


London Borough of Lambeth, GB addresses housing quality issues with Disrepair Arbitration Pilot

Council home tenants typically take disrepair claims to court and pay legal fees out of their awards. The UK-first pilot scheme moves arbitration cases in-house before an independent barrister. Claimants can file complaints about issues ranging from excessive dampness to structural problems. Expedited hearings use resident and expert accounts to determine if financial awards are appropriate. Lambeth's repair team quickly addresses issues and claimants receive 100% of their awards.


London Borough of Lambeth, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

Glendale, CA approved the Hotel Workers Protection Ordinance to regulate the hospitality industry

The city of Glendale approved an ordinance to implement a series of safeguards for hotel employees. The Hotel Workers Protection Ordinance includes panic buttons for summoning help against threats are mandated for hospitality workers, along with minimum-wage levels, limits on forced overtime, and maximums on the amount of square footage housekeepers must maintain.


Glendale, CA

US flag

United States

Washington, DC considers a bill prohibiting solitary confinement and separating transgender inmates

The Council of the District of Columbia is considering a proposed bill that would prohibit the practice of solitary confinement in the city's jail, ban the separation of transgender inmates, and limit other isolation methods. The bill allows for an exception during certain types of emergency situations.


Washington, DC

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United States

Hinds County, MS Hinds County Reentry Program to reduce recidivism through workforce training

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors launched the Hinds County Reentry Program targeting residents, over 18 years of age, who have at least one felony conviction. The county is spending $388,000 on the program to take in 60 participants for one year. Department staff will provide case management and workforce development services by working with more than 25 community partners focused on health care, substance abuse, mental health and housing.


Hinds County, MS

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United States

Raleigh, NC City Council approved ordinance banning residents from owning dangerous wild animals

The Raleigh City Council approved an ordinance banning dangerous and wild animals inside city limits. The ordinance will ban residents from owning lions, tigers, wolves, monkeys, hybrids or crossbreeds, and medically significant venomous snakes. Beginning in July 2023, any resident with animals grandfathered in under the ordinance will be required to register with animal control and pay a fee. Owners who violate the ordinance will have their animals impounded by police and pay a $500 penalty.


Raleigh, NC

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United States

Olympia, WA is researching resolutions to safeguard women's reproductive rights

The Olympia City Council has directed its Community Livability and Public Safety Committee to research and develop a resolution to support and protect a woman's right to obtain an abortion. The city council also recommended that the committee consider working on related topics such as public safety for those seeking reproductive services and for advocates and service providers.


Olympia, WA

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United States

Austin, TX City Council attempts to bypass state law banning restrictions on firearm sales

The Austin City Council has directed the city manager to explore every option for reducing or prohibiting the sale of AR-15s and other semi-automatic rifles to individuals under the age of 21. The Council approved a resolution seeking a viable option for bypassing the Texas law which prevents municipalities from adapting state regulations on the sale and possession of firearms.


Austin, TX

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United States

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