Qwally develops solutions to help local governments connect with and support small businesses in their communities.
A supplier and diversity management tool that simplifies certification, outreach, and business engagement.
An on-demand electric shuttle service, allowing riders to easily request a ride within a geofenced zone.
Citibot Text Chat
Accessibility through text message. Residents can search for information, submit a service request or send a custom message to your staff.
Transform your digital customer experience without code
Advance in sustainable decision-making in investment and construction projects while adopting a people-centric approach.
Monotch is the decisive C-ITS data aggregator that enables safer, more sustainable and more efficient road transportation.
WelcoMe’s enhanced communication tools connect person-facing teams with disabled customers.
Orbital Insight GO
Delivers timely, objective and transparent analytics on a global scale using multiple sources of geospatial data and artificial intelligence
High Resolution, High Frequency Imagery
Near Space Labs offers detailed stratospheric imagery at down-to-earth prices.
Direct Constituent Engagement
Kwema Smart Badge for Contact Tracing & Emergency Alerts
Kwema’s contact tracing solution tracks and prevents the spread of COVID-19 at the workplace by offering a smart employee badge holder.
Waterly is a better way for communities to manage their water and wastewater data.
ClearRoad Truck Permitting Platform
A web-based platform for cities and counties to easily manage oversize/overweight trucks on their roadways
Citibot Web Chat
Convert your website into an interactive, conversational engagement platform.
Lex Loci Labs
Lex Loci Labs builds software that empowers criminal justice stakeholders to be more efficient, transparent, and just.
ThirdLine Audit & Monitoring Platform
X-ray vision for your ERP system to stop fraud, decrease waste, expedite audits, understand bottlenecks, and discover cost savings
Neighborly Software
Improving the administrative efficiency and regulatory compliance of housing, economic, and community development programs.
A time management solution that allows users to join lines for their destination of choice and wait remotely/safely from their home or car.
Civis Platform
Built by data scientists, for data scientists.
Citibot Interactive Text Alerts
Keep your residents informed and up to date on topics that matter most to them via text message.
Acta Solutions
Our platform allows government officials to respond to high volumes of constituent emails with a single click.
SayVU - Alert & Dispatch Next Generation 911
We make security and safety systems and applications accessible for everyone, everywhere.
DORIS care
Delivering peace of mind for carers and families of vulnerable, independent people (VIPs) through activity monitoring and automated alerts