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Leicester City Council, GB makes bus services more accessible for passengers with sight loss


Leicester City Council and Vista are installing text-to-talk real-time information totems at 21 bus stops to help make bus services more accessible for passengers with sight loss. The new Vix Technology totem displays use long-life batteries, meaning they can be installed anywhere and do not rely on mains or solar power. The displays also provide real-time passenger information for everyone. Funding is made available through the UK Department for Transport's Tackling Loneliness Fund.


Leicester City Council, GB

Unitary authority in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Involverad kommun


Leicester City Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom

Mer från Leicester City Council

Leicester City Council, GB Buses Partnership unites operators for sustainable and simplified transit
Leicester City Council, GB simplifies travel planning for commuters with Choose How You Move app

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