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Oakland, CA streamlines public reporting of vehicle break-ins with @OaklandAutoBurg pilot

Oakland, CA Vehicle Break-In Public Reporting Pilot


The Oakland Police Department reported a 36% increase in locked vehicle break-ins from 2022 to 2023. An October 2023 weekend pilot asked residents to report suspicious behavior or attempted break-ins to @OaklandAutoBurg on Instagram and X. Police staff monitored the accounts and forwarded relevant information to foot patrols. The @OaklandAutoBurg reporting accounts may be used in the future as complements to deterrence methods like decoys and aerial monitoring.


Oakland, CA

Municipality in California

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United States



Oakland police turn to social media to help combat car burglaries

Oakland police are asking if people see a car burglary they should post that information on @OaklandAutoBurg, either in a thread or message.


New Oakland Police Department pilot program uses social media to stop car break-ins - ABC7 San Francisco

The Oakland Police Department will test a new pilot program designed to stop car break-ins using social media.

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