Onkaparinga, SA shows community support for local businesses with Go South Go Local initiative
Onkaparinga, SA Go South Go Local Businesses Community
The council's Business Team developed the social media campaign to expand support for area companies during COVID-19. Residents share posts about their favorite local businesses with the hashtag #GoSouthGoLocal. Onkaparinga encourages residents to find new shops to frequent in the ON Business Directory. Companies can also access Go South Go Local branding for use in print, email, and social media outreach.
Go South Go Local City of Onkaparinga
Help our small businesses recover - assist our business community to grow - learn more about what our region has to offer you. Simply by buying local you can make a difference!
Business Directory - ON Business Partner Program
The ON Business Partner Program is an initiative of the City of Onkaparinga that aims to support local businesses of all sizes to thrive and grow, and enjoy...
Projekt lyckat
Onkaparinga reported 2,106 posts with the #GoSouthGoLocal tag in the campaign's initial phase. The council recruited 455 businesses to use campaign logos and digital assets.
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