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San Diego, CA launched a one-year pilot of portable autonomous electric vehicle charging stations

San Diego, CA portable electric vehicle charger pilot


The city of San Diego launched a one-year pilot of two electric vehicle portable autonomous renewable charging stations (EV ARCs) which were purchased for $155,000 from Beam Global. Each EV ARC weighs 10,000 pounds but they are transportable and do not require any special permitting or trenches to power the units. The city installed the EV ARCs as an investment to lower fuel costs and meet the clean energy requirements established in the city's Climate Action Plan.


San Diego, CA

Municipality in California

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United States



San Diego Nets Positive Feedback for Portable EV Chargers

A pilot project that installed a pair of portable charging stations to help power the growing number of zero-emissions vehicles in the city of San Diego's fleet has received positive reviews from city officials.


City of San Diego's $155,000 investment in portable electric vehicle chargers gets a thumbs up - The San Diego Union-Tribune

City of San Diego deems $155,000 investment in portable EV chargers a success. Pilot project using EV ARCs made by a local company gets a thumbs-up.

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