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Surrey, BC develops Biofuel Facility to turn organic waste into renewable fuel and compost

Surrey, BC Biofuel Facility Organic Waste Fuel Compost


The Surrey Biofuel Facility shifts 115,000 tons of organic waste from the landfill into renewable fuel processing. Organic waste from homes and businesses is turned into renewable natural gas (RNG) and compost. Surrey's RNG-powered fleet vehicles and the downtown District Energy System benefit from steady biofuel production. Compost is used in public parks and sold to private sector buyers. An estimated reduction of 49,000 tons in emissions is achieved each year.


Surrey, BC

City in British Columbia

CA flag



Surrey Biofuel Facility | City of Surrey

Learn about Surrey's fully integrated, closed-loop waste management system.

Projekt lyckat

Surrey received a 2018 Environment Award from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators for the Biofuel Facility.

Mer från Surrey

Surrey, BC monitors progress toward a zero-carbon city with its Climate Action Tracker

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