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London Borough of Haringey, GB collaborated with Camden and Islington on a cancer awareness survey

London Borough of Haringey, GB Cancer Awareness Survey


The Public Health Teams at the Camden, Islington, and Haringey Councils collaborated to develop and distribute a cancer awareness survey across the three boroughs. The Cancer Awareness Survey 2019 was designed to help the Councils understand how aware their residents are of cancer particularly the causes, symptoms, and screening process. The survey was made available online along with an "easy-read" version for any residents within the three boroughs.


London Borough of Haringey, GB

London borough in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Involvierte Regierungsbehörden


London Borough of Camden, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


London Borough of Islington, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom


Camden, Haringey and Islington Cancer Awareness Survey 2019

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