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Essex County Council, GB and Tendring District Council turn empty properties into sheltered housing

Essex County Council, GB Tendring District Sheltered Housing


The councils selected four empty Tendring properties for the one-year pilot. Sixteen patients cleared for discharge from local hospitals but facing obstacles to independent living stayed in the accommodations. Health and social service professionals helped participants for up to three months as they adapted their homes or sought secure housing. The pilot freed up hospital beds, reduced healthcare costs, and assisted patients who often struggle after discharge.


Essex County Council, GB

County council in England

GB flag

United Kingdom

Gobiernos implicados


Tendring District Council, GB

GB flag

United Kingdom



Sheltered accommodation to support patients leaving hospital | Tendring District Council

Sheltered housing in Tendring will be used to support patients leaving hospital; helping to relieve some of the pressure on health services in North Essex.The initiative, funded by Essex County Council (ECC), will see otherwise-empty Tendring District Council (TDC) sheltered accommodation use to temporarily home people coming out of hospital care.It will help to reduce


Scheme to house patients in vacant sheltered housing flats gets go-ahead | Gazette

PLANS to use sheltered housing in Tendring to support patients leaving hospital and free up hospital beds has been given the go-ahead by council…

Proyecto realizado con éxito

Essex County Council and Tendring District Council approved a three-year extension of the program with two additional properties.

Más de Essex County Council

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Essex County Council, GB builds online community for unpaid carers with Mobilise service

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