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Rotterdam, ZH launched the Safe Delivery platform to improve road safety during meal deliveries

Rotterdam, ZH road safety platform meal deliveries

En curso

The Municipality of Rotterdam partnered with Youth Organization TeamAlert, ROV Zuid-Holland, and the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel to launch the "Safe Delivery" platform. The Safe Delivery platform was created to improve road safety among meal deliverers. The platform provides an online road safety training course and insight into their position in traffic during an actual delivery.


Rotterdam, ZH

Municipality in Zuid-Holland

NL flag




Alle maaltijdbezorgers veilig onderweg | Doe de online training of check onze tips voor ondernemers


Más de Rotterdam

Rotterdam, ZH Verkeersmenu010 program teaches primary school children traffic and cycling safety
Rotterdam, ZH partnered with Rebel to create Rikx digital tokens that reward social entrepreneurship

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