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Birmingham, AL boosted public transit options for residents with On-Demand pilot

Birmingham, AL On-Demand Public Transit Pilot


Residents living in the service area summoned rides using the Via app. Each ride featured a $1.50 fare for the app user and a $0.75 add-on per accompanying passenger. Birmingham On-Demand used six-seat Mercedes Metris vans to facilitate shared rides when possible. The service area covered destinations from Central Park in the west to AIDT in the east. The city developed the six-month pilot with Via and the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham.


Birmingham, AL

Municipality in Alabama

US flag

United States


Birmingham On-Demand powered by Via - The Official Website for the City of Birmingham, Alabama

Birmingham On-Demand powered by Via SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Birmingham On-Demand is still operating Mon.-Fri. 6am-8pm and Sat. 10am-8pm. Due to COVID-19 safety and health protocols, there is now a three-passenger limit in each vehicle for social distancing and additional sanitation procedures are in place. The City of Birmingham launched a new transportation pilot program with Via on December 3, 2019. …


Proyecto realizado con éxito

The pilot facilitated 3,072 rides with an average driver rating of 4.89 in its first month. Council members approved a one-month extension to the pilot as they consider the program's future.

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